Why Bad Bunny Loves Wrestling

If you haven’t watched wrestling recently, Bad Bunny, a global music star at the top of his game, is a recurring regular in the ring. Though born out of a genuine love for wresting, the marketing tactic is a case study for how to build a global brand and audience beyond the trappings of our current social landscape.

Bad Bunny has been breaking records by pushing non-english music to the top of Billboard's overall charts. The WWE gives him a space to create a narrative with audiences despite language barriers, but also to build character in a fantasy setting that goes far beyond the influencer-style social content most artists like him lean on to stay relevant in feeds.

It’s often true that someone becomes a fan because they feel validated, seen or heard. So when the same artist who headlines coastal skewing Coachella, and dates a Kardashian, becomes a regular on a franchise primarily watched by a much broader audience, that unlikely crossover is an inspiring example of how to acquire fans through partnerships that find common ground.


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